“At-Risk Youths” should read Daryl Bouie’s book, so they will understand how committing crimes leads to jails and prisons, and what doing time is really like. Reading this book will give them a more realistic look into crime and punishment, and at least they will be informed about the consequences of criminal actions, and not swayed by the lies that some people tell them, trying to make themselves seem cool!!

Our nonprofit was Founded by L. Mitchell, RN and D. Bouie in June 2022, with the aim of helping people in our community that are underserved and in need of help, from the homeless, the previously incarcerated, to all others who are at-risk!

We have been a client of CSUMB’s IIED Program since 2023, and we are in the building phase of our “Reintegration Services”, proposed Shelter/(LTORR) Transitional Reentry Program for CDCR Parolees, and others who are substance abusers, or are homeless, or are on probation, that local and State Law Enforcement contractually sends to us, to attend our future, various self-help programs!

Our President D. Bouie, who authored the free downloadable E-Book “Speaking to At Risk Youths by Daryl Bouie” is currently requesting to be a guest speaker to at-risk youths and adults, where he will share his LIVED Experiences, insights and keys to becoming a productive member of society.

Contact D. Bouie for the particulars on donations and scheduling for his guest speaking services. He is willing to travel to schools, county jails, prisons, and other detainment facilities, if possible!


Our organization’s focus and goal is to provide the homeless, and underserved at-risk people in our community, with basic financial education and health education and self-help counseling. We are also in the building phase of “Reintegration Services”, our transitional reentry program for CDCR Parolees, and others who qualify for our kind of help.

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