Founder & CFO, Chief Financial Officer

L. Mitchell,

Registered Nurse for over 20 years. Hospital worker for over 30 years.

President, Co-Founder,

Volunteer Executive Director,

D. Bouie,

USMC Military Veteran 1984-87, Camp Lejeune, Camp Pendleton

College Graduate, AA Degree, 2018

Commercial Vehicle License, Class “A”, Endorsements in Tankers,

Doubles and Triples, since November 2022

Customer Service Specialist, Lifetime License ( #CSS203465

Prostate Cancer Survivor, since 2017

Graduate of VTC/Transformative Reentry Program in Marina California, in 2022.

Author: Speaking to At Risk Youths, 2021, by Daryl Bouie

State Certified “Peer Support Specialist” Exam passed on Jan 17th, 2025.

MPC college student, State Certified “Community Health Worker” class from Sept. 19th - March 1st, 2025.

Vice President,

S. Tellis,

Bachelor’s Degree in Massage Therapy,

Certified Medical Massage Specialist.


M. Cook, Dr.,

Marc Cook PhD., MS Associate Professor Exercise Immunology

Associate Director of Research for CIHDER North Carolina A&T State University, HBCU

Department of Kinesiology Focus: Vascular Health, Gut dysbiosis, and Exercise


LyVesha Franklin,

Transformational Poet/Mystic/Motivational Speaker/Spiritual Life Reminder

Entrepreneur - Community Health Worker - Medi-Cal Service Provider,

contracted with St. Vincent Preventative Family Care

She is on the Board of Directors for the Birth Network of Monterey County - 

and on the Maternal Mental Health Task Force and Doula subcommittee

Founder/CEO of Kweens’ Kounsel Inc. 501(c)(3) Nonprofit, providing a holistic approach to the advocacy of Black Maternal Health

Co-chair Board Member - CHSP’s Lived Experience Advisory Directive (LEAD)

LyVesha is also active in the NAACP and has participated in the annual “Prancing Ponies” event, an all-women car show for four years. Recognized for her contributions, she has received seven Certificates of Recognition from various organizations, including the Monterey County Board of Supervisors and the California Assembly.

J. Kuan, Dr., Executive Director

California State University Monterey Bay, Institute for Innovative and Economic Development

Institute for Innovation and Economic Development

S. Deleon, Chief Executive Officer

Global Retail Ventures, LLC

As the Founder and CEO of Global Retail Ventures, LLC (GRV), I help startups, and global tech

companies create and execute global retail programs in every channel: e-commerce,

brick-and-mortar, 3rd Party, and Omnichannel. With over 25 years of proven results in the

retail industry, I have a passion for taking innovative products and services to market and

creating brand experiences that are inclusive, innovative, and sustainable. L:



B. Bouie,

Non Licensed, Crisis Intervention Specialist!

Berkley City College Graduate AA Science,

UC Davis College Graduate BA in Psychology, with Honors.

Recovery Coach at Crisis Stabilization Center.

The Team

Our team of experienced professionals are always utilizing their unique skills and talents to move the work of our non-profit organization forward.